Have you ever tried an Art Journal?

I’ve experimented with Art Journals off an on through the years … but this one has been the first I’ve kept up with!

I set no limits on what the “art” might be… because it’s all in the eye of the beholder. Don’t you agree?

I’ve included drawings, poems, prayers and scriptures, quotes, lists, ideas, memories, stickers, scrapbook pages, and letters to people (some gone, others still here but they’ll never actually be sent).

The only rule? I have to create it directly on the page.

See, so much can be learned by NOT being direct.

Want to know what’s deep in your heart or buried in your subconscious?

Put paintbrush (ink, pencil, markers) to page and see what you get!

Go to the dollar store and buy stickers, tissue paper, glitter, and glue. Keep a big ol’ box o’ stuff to create with!

Don’t plan… just go with the flow of whatever FEELS right. This is YOUR creation! Your baby!

I hope that sharing a few pages from my journal will inspire you to begin your own!

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