Some Books- Ugh!

Good grief, I’ve just read the first third (or so) of yet ANOTHER book that’s borderline awful.

I’m putting it down and shooting a hole through it so nobody else can read it.

Not really. I hate guns and have never owned one. I abhor violence. I have no idea why I said that.

But still…

It said it was a cross between du Maurier’s Rebecca (I loved that book!) and King’s The Shining (I loved that book!).

See, it’s about a woman who marries a mysterious stranger and he takes her to his family’s hotel in the woods for the off-season. There are secrets about his dead (or is she?) previous wife and the hotel being haunted.

Sounds okay so far. Am I right?

Yeah nah.

To begin with, it’s a recent book and uses abbreviations I don’t even know. One of them took some time to decipher: DVP. Do you know what it means? I didn’t! I figured it was one of those young people’s internet acronyms. Nope!

When I have to stop and look things up once… okay, it happens. When I have to look up multiple things… bothersome. When I have to look up and dissect the meaning using context and *still* don’t know what it means? No beuno. Cuz, folks, DVP can mean:

  1. Deep Vein Thrombosis
  2. Delivery versus payment 
  3. Double Vaginal Penetration
  4. decessit vita patris (a child who predeceases a parent)
  5. Don Valley Parkway

Turns out, using context, it was Don Valley Parkway. Good thing, because the sentence was: There was a fatal crash involving a woman on DVP. Yikes! That could have gone another way, looking at the list. Am I right?

So, that aspect was a bit of a turn-off.

It only got worse from there.

You’ll ask for the title. Uhm. I don’t remember. Here’s why: I started this post late at night… oh, about seven days ago, before the post about my walk. I didn’t get the chance to finish it and it sat in my drafts. In between, I took the book (and two others that sucked eggs) to the thrift store.

Also, since I mentioned it, the date might not jive on this post because I don’t know what happens when you go back to a draft post and then actually post it. Can you believe I never did that before? Or at least, don’t remember doing it or what happened. But hey, we’re not about perfection around here… ANYMORE. And I’m SO HAPPY about that!

Just thought I’d drop by to say there are a plethora of bad books about the woods/forests, abandoned mystery dwellings (inhabited or not), hiking trips, and/or walking across the country (any walkable country, just pick one). I was kinda on a quest there (looking for hiking in the forest books) but I think it’s over.


In short, I’ve picked up a lot of junk recently. So disappointing. I miss being pulled into a story!

So, once again, I’m going back to the basics. Books and authors I know and appreciate. Recommended books… have any you’d like to share?

No more crappola, please! <<<— Said to the book gods, not you!

Other than that, my head is healing. Yay!

My husband is between treatments. Yay!

I’m looking forward to more time outside soon. Monday is a holiday in Canada, so keeping my fingers crossed the sun shines! Tuesday is my day off (I have to work this weekend – Boo! Hiss!) so it will be two days off in a row, then three days on, then next weekend off! Yay!

Oh, and PS: I have always prided myself (and considered it a bit of an ethical choice) to ONLY use my own photos on this blog. I still plan to do that. But every once in a while, like right now, it’s just easier to use the free photos that come with the platform. So, thanks Pexels Free Photos for the cool photo of books. I’m making things easy for myself tonight. I like this new me!


  1. Have you considered the thought that you have now expanded to the point at which all human stories just start to look like another human story ~ and you can so clearly see that in our present phase of evolution we don’t even think anything’s happened until they get awful?

    To me, any more, the real story starts when things calm down and people start smelling the roses…

    Liked by 1 person

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